2024 Achievements

As 2024 comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible moments we have had, feeling both thankful and uncertain about what’s to come. It’s been a year filled with so many wonderful moments and I’m excited, yet unsure of where the next chapter will take us.

Here is a snapshot of just some of what our volunteers been able to achieve this year for our community on such a very tiny budget over the past 12 months:
✨ 67 Music Therapy Sessions
✨ 30 Art Therapy Sessions
✨ 41 Themed Parties & Stay and Plays
✨ 18 Mindfulness Sessions
✨ 11 Animal Assisted Therapy Sessions
✨ 5 Multi Sensory Experiences
✨ 10 Exclusive Hire Soft Play Events
✨ Science visit to Robert Gordon's College
We also
✨ Planned and organised over half of Aberdeen City Council's 2024 Easter & Summer "in the City" events for disabilities and ASN.
✨ Hosted several webinars, attended by over 400 people, including NHS professionals, teachers from the city and shire and 3rd sector employees and volunteers.
✨ Dedicated more time behind the scenes to advocating for change and challenging systemic injustices, seeking accountability and working to amplify voices that are too often overlooked.
As I take a short break from our term time activities to focus on completing my LL.M , I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey. I will forever value the friendships and the positive change we’ve made together. 💙
Happy New Year from all of us at Early Intervention!

#2024Reflections #CommunityEngagement #Volunteers #ParentsHelpingParents #Determination #TurningObstaclesIntoOpportunities #CreatingChange #DoingMoreWithLess #EarlyIntervention

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