2024 Achievements
As 2024 comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible moments we have had, feeling both thankful and uncertain about what’s to come. It’s been a year filled with so many wonderful moments and I’m excited, yet unsure of where the next chapter will take us.
Here is a snapshot of just some of what our volunteers been able to achieve this year for our community on such a very tiny budget over the past 12 months:
67 Music Therapy Sessions
41 Themed Parties & Stay and Plays
18 Mindfulness Sessions
11 Animal Assisted Therapy Sessions
5 Multi Sensory Experiences
10 Exclusive Hire Soft Play Events
Science visit to Robert Gordon's College
We also
Planned and organised over half of Aberdeen City Council's 2024 Easter & Summer "in the City" events for disabilities and ASN.
Hosted several webinars, attended by over 400 people, including NHS professionals, teachers from the city and shire and 3rd sector employees and volunteers.
Dedicated more time behind the scenes to advocating for change and challenging systemic injustices, seeking accountability and working to amplify voices that are too often overlooked.
As I take a short break from our term time activities to focus on completing my LL.M , I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey. I will forever value the friendships and the positive change we’ve made together.
Happy New Year from all of us at Early Intervention!
#2024Reflections #CommunityEngagement #Volunteers #ParentsHelpingParents #Determination #TurningObstaclesIntoOpportunities #CreatingChange #DoingMoreWithLess #EarlyIntervention