disability benefits

We are often asked about disability benefits and Grants.

Here is a link to information regarding state benefits and grants for people in Scotland with a disability.


If you need assistance or an advocate to help you apply for a benefit please contact Social Security Scotland.

1. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children

Children do not have to have a medical diagnosis to be ellegible for this benefit.

It may help with the extra costs of looking after a child who:

  • is under 16
  • has difficulties walking or needs much more looking after than a child of the same age who does not have a disability

This is a non means tested benefit but the child will need to meet all the eligibility requirements.

The DLA rate is between £23.60 and £151.40 a week and depends on the level of help the child needs.



2. Carers Allowance

You could get £67.25 a week if you care for someone (including your own child) at least 35 hours a week and they get DLA.

To be elegible your earnings must be £128 or less a week after tax, National Insurance and expenses.

You do not have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for.

You can apply here


3. Carers Allowance Supplement

Carer's Allowance Supplement is an extra payment for people in Scotland who get Carer's Allowance on a particular date.

Carer's Allowance Supplement is paid twice per year. From April 2021 the rate will be £231.40 per payment.

Only people who claim carers allowance will be entitled to this extra payment. You dont need to apply because it is automatically paid to those eligible.


4. Disabled Facilities Grants

 You could get a grant from your council if you or your child disabled and need to make changes to your home, for example to:

  • widen doors and install ramps
  • improve access to rooms and facilities - eg stairlifts or a downstairs bathroom
  • provide a heating system suitable for your needs
  • adapt heating or lighting controls to make them easier to use

The council may send an occupational therapist round to see you. They’ll check your circumstances and see what changes you need.

You can apply for this Grant directly from your local council


5. Council Tax Band reduction

You can apply for a reduction in council tax if you use an extra room in your house for your child’s needs. This could be a sensory room, extra bathroom etc. The room however cannot be their bedroom and needs to be another room.

You may get a visit to your house to check the eligibility and the use of the room to be sure it meets the criteria for a reduction in coucil tax.

This benefit is not means tested.

You can apply for this Grant directly from your local council



6 . More Local authority Help

Your local council can provide help if you have a disabled child, including:

  • Short respite breaks
  • holiday play schemes
  • care at home
  • some aids and adaptations
  • financial help, eg money towards travel costs for out of catchment schools and hospital visits

Please contact your own local councils disability social work team.

If your child qualifies for services from your local council, you’ll also have the option of getting direct payments.

These are paid directly to you so you can arrange the people and services you need. They’re an alternative to social care services provided by your local council.


7. Disability Blue Badge

You can also now apply for a blue disability badge if you child has a  hidden disability.

Having a blue badge is very useful if you have a child who is not danger aware. Having a Blue badge enable you to park very near to your destination which helps to reduce anxiety.

The blue badge may also be used as evidence to queue jump, or demonstrate to attractions of specific needs.



8. Que Jump etc

If your child has a diagnosis you have the benefit of queue jumping at many attractions and extra assistance at certain events.

You may also be able to attend certain events for free as a "carer" with your child.

you will usually need to provide proof of disability, for example a letter from your GP or more easily, the presentation of your Blue Badge.


9. UK Wide Radar Key

The RADAR key is a universal key to unlock disabled toilets nationwide.

You can buy these here




10. The Family Fund

There are a number of grants available from Family Fund, You can apply for additional equipment, toys, gadgets, Holidays etc

There is criteria for application which can be found below:



11. Northsound Cash for kids

Northsound Radio Cash for Kids grant rounds support children from birth up to and including 18 years of age who are vulnerable, come from disadvantaged backgrounds or are living with an illness or disability.

There is criteria for application which can be found below:

Cash for Kids application



12. Take a Break Grants

Take a Break provide grants to families living in Scotland. A Take a Break grant can be used towards a break, outing or sport activity, or other activity in the UK or overseas. Funding may also be used to purchase equipment required for a break such as bikes or camping equipment.

Applications available here: Take a Break


13. The Adamson Trust Childrens holiday charity.

Provides financial assistance for holidays/respite care for young disabled people aged seventeen and under.

Applications available here: The Adamson Trust




14. Disability Aid Trust

Provide financial assistance for individuals or groups of people with a physical disability who are planning to take a holiday but who cannot afford to pay the expenses of essential helpers.

Further information available here: The Disability Aid Trust



15. Family Holiday Association

Provides grants to enable families to go on holiday. Includes funding for one week holidays/short breaks or day trips for families with at least one child aged three or over, who couldn’t otherwise afford a holiday.

Further information available here: Family Holiday Association




16. Ogilvie Charities Holiday and Respite Fund

Grants are made to support respite holidays for carers. The primary aim is to give a complete break to a carer while the person cared for is receiving respite care. Typical grants range from £200 to £300.

Further information available here: Ogilvie Charities Holidays and Respite Fund for Carers


17. Respitality Scotland

The ultimate aim of Respitality is to provide a short vital break for unpaid carers in Scotland when they need it most. This is achieved by connecting carers’ organisations with hospitality, tourism and leisure businesses who are willing to donate a break free of charge.

Further information available here: Respitality Scotland



18. The George, James & Alexander Chalmers Trust

Grants are available for women who live in Aberdeen who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own.

Further information please contact:

Storie, Cruden and Simpson
2 Bon Accord Crescent
AB11 6DH
Email: info@storiecs.co.uk



19. Dr John Calders Fund

Grants for people who live within Aberdeen for welfare and educational purposes.

Further information please contact:

The Trustees, Dr John Calder's Fund,
c/o Brodies LLP, 15 Atholl Crescent


20. Scottish Welfare Fund - For low income families

The Scottish Welfare Fund helps families and people in Scotland who are on low incomes.

You can apply for a:

  • Crisis Grant – if you're in crisis because of a disaster (like a fire or flood), or an emergency (like losing your money or job, or an unexpected expense)
  • Self-Isolation Support Grant - if you've been asked to self-isolate by Test and Protect because of coronavirus (COVID-19) and will lose income as a result
  • Community Care Grant – to help you or someone you care for to start to live, or to carry on living, a settled life in the community
You must be 16 or older and on a low income, or getting certain benefits, to apply for these grants.



21. Best Start Grant or Best Start Foods - Additional fund for low income families already on benefit.

You can get Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods:

  • whether you're in work or not, as long as you're on certain payments or benefits
  • as long as you're the parent of a child, or the main person looking after the child

You can apply directly here





Child Winter Heating Assistance is a new benefit from the Scottish Government.

It's a payment of £200 for children and young people up to the age of 18.

For more information on the child winter heating assistance please check here





24. ILF Scotland Transition Fund - (Children age 15-25)

You can apply to the Transition Fund if you:

  • are between 15 and 25 years old
  • have lived in Scotland for the last 6 months
  • have an impairment or disability
  • have less than £27,250 in your personal savings

You can apply for upto £7500 to take part in a new activity or learn a skill that will help you to become independent and continue to spend more time with other people. For Example:

  • art or music lessons
  • a device or piece of technology to help you with your impairment
  • joining a class or club
  • travel training
  • driving lessons
  • training courses

please contact ILF Scotland to apply.


25. Young Carers Grant (payable to people16, 17 or 18 years old)

Young Carer Grant is a yearly payment of £308.15 for young carers in Scotland.

You can be classed as a young carer if you help take care of a parent, sibling or neighbour.

Careing can be defined as helping them with their mental health, providing emotional support, supporting them with a disability or addiction.

You can apply for a young carers grant here



26. Other State benefits (Not disability specific)

There are a few easy to use independent benefits calculator to find out:

  • Some Income related benefits that you could get

Independent benefit Calculators

  • Policy in Practice - for information on income-related benefits, tax credits, contribution-based benefits, Council Tax Reduction, Carer’s Allowance, Universal Credit, how these are calculated and how your benefits will be affected if you start work or change your working hours
  • entitledto - for information on income-related benefits, tax credits, contribution-based benefits, Council Tax Reduction, Carer’s Allowance, Universal Credit and how your benefits will be affected if you start work
  • Turn2us - for information on income-related benefits, tax credits, Council Tax Reduction, Carer’s Allowance, Universal Credit and how your benefits will be affected if you start work or change your working hours

What you’ll need

  • Details about your savings
  • Income, including your partner’s (from payslips, for example)
  • Existing benefits and pensions (including anyone living with you)
  • Outgoings (such as rent, mortgage, childcare payments)
  • Council tax bill