Awareness Sessions
- We are creating some online sessions that may be of interest to you. The following topics will be advertised in due course.
- Rights, Responsibilities and Resources
Lead and delivered by Amanda and Linda who both have BA (hons) degrees in Law & Management and HNDs in Legal services. Contents will cover the legal definition of a "vulnerable child", A brief awareness of Scottish legislation regarding child support needs and rights with an insight into government strategies and plans. There will also be an opportunity to share tips to help you confidently advocate for your child.
- Wellbeing
An Introduction to mindfulness lead by Michelle who is a qualified counsellor. This course can also help you and others in your life by giving you the skills and knowledge related to these areas, thus giving you tools to enable you to work on relationships and improve emotional intelligence.
- An Introduction to Structure and Routines
A short course promoting positive structure and routine and why they are an important factor in maintaining a happy home. We will also share examples of visual timetables and now and next boards used within the home which can improve your childs confidence.
- The SPELL Framework
Exploring the SPELL approach which considers benefits of adapting environments and caregivers attitude with a view to truly supporting the needs of neurodivergent individuals.
- Inclusion
Exploring the differences between Inclusion and Integration within social and educational settings and how to ensure Inclusion is truly recognised.
- Behaviour
What causes distressed behaviour? Delivering a course with advice on how we help support our children to reduce these distressed responses in their environment. Some examples that will be shared are tried and tested by us in our own situations and may be of some help.
A true insight into ADHD, A course lead by Michelle who is a professional, diagnosed with ADHD and also is a mother to children with the condition. She will also share tried and tested approaches to help you support the unique needs of your child.
- What is PDA?
An introduction to the little understood profile of the Autism Spectrum - Pathological Demand Avoidance and the importance of making adaptions for the child to reduce anxiety driven demand avoidance distressed behaviours.
- Autism Awareness
- Executive Function
- Theory of Mind
Dates: TBC. We may ask for a small donation for some of our courses. Full details on how to book a place will be confirmed when dates are released.
We hope to bring you various other resources and topics as we grow and develop. We are interested in your views on what topics may be suitable - we will plan a feedback session with you in the near future.