Disability Legislation
Do you think your child may have a learning difference and/or disability?
Did you know?
That local authority and education providers have a legal obligation to:
Put in place arrangements to identify additional support needs and to consider if a child requires a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP)
Meet requests from parents and act on referrals from others to identify a child’s additional support needs or establish if they require a CSP
Prepare a CSP if it is established that a child or young person requires one
Inform them of the outcome and of their rights of appeal, and provide them with a copy
Make adequate and efficient provision for children with additional support needs.
Keep under consideration the needs and the adequacy of support for each child.
seek and take account of advice and independent assessments from other agencies (for example: health, social work services)
seek and take account of views of the child and their parents, and any information they may provide
Formally review each CSP at least every 12 months, making appropriate adjustments.
review a CSP earlier than 12 months if there has been a significant change in the child’s circumstances or if parents make a reasonable request.
publish their policy and arrangements for identifying and addressing additional support needs, what the role and rights of parents and children are and whom parents should contact to obtain information and advice
provide independent mediation services for all parents of children with additional support needs and publish information on these services
The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 refers.